When you require insurance coverage for your business, it can be a hassle to know which of the many carriers is the best choice. When you are shopping for insurance, it is the most important step in the early life cycle of any business. Getting the right coverage from a company that you can really trust is vitally important to your success as a business owner.

Hiscox Business Insurance is one of the top commercial insurance providers in America, but that doesn’t mean that they’re a good fit for your company. I have written this review that will analyze Hiscox’s business insurance policies to help you determine if their service is right for you.





  • Hiscox’s online quote generator is convenient and has a very user-friendly interface that is very easy to navigate. Hiscox will provide you with a detailed quote that they can manipulate and adjust to find the perfect coverage level and price. There is also an option to sell insurance directly to customers online.
  • Hiscox has been providing business insurance since its founding in 1901. This implies that their singular mission is to provide the best possible commercial insurance coverage for their customers.
  • Hiscox serves small, midsize, and large companies with a wide variety of policies and coverages.
  • Hiscox is also one of the leading providers of cyber insurance in the world.
  • Hiscox maintains high rating scores from all major firms, making them a safe option when it comes to covering your claims.
  • Hiscox’s website has a highly informative company blog and also posts podcasts where current and prospective customers can get a ton of information.
  • Hiscox receives customer reviews, with very high rating scores across over 10,000 reviews.


  • While Hiscox’s reviews are very impressive, nearly every single review is located on their website. This is not necessarily a red flag but it’s noteworthy that there are virtually no reviews of Hiscox on any other third-party websites.



Hiscox offers an impressive range of coverage tailored to small, medium, and large businesses in a couple of different fields. The following are their most popular forms of commercial insurance coverage:

  • General Liability
  • Professional Liability
  • Errors and Omissions
  • Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)
  • Workers Compensation
  • Cyber Security

Hiscox also has the option for specialized coverage for a number of specific industries, which include:

  • Architecture and Engineering
  • Beauty
  • Consulting and Freelancers
  • Contractors
  • Fitness
  • Health
  • IT and Technology
  • Marketing
  • Therapy


Sometimes you may prefer the option to obtain a quote via phone or in-person with a Hiscox agent but once you try the online quote generator tool, you will be satisfied by how fast it works. You can obtain your quote in less than 10 minutes by answering some questions on their website.

When they provide you with your quote, you can then adjust the quote and other limits of the policy to find a price point and coverage level that you prefer. You can get quotes for both monthly and annual payments. It’s the best and most convenient online quote tool available that I have ever used.



It’s usually quite difficult to make fair cost comparisons among insurance providers. There are so many variables to consider. One provider may have a lower price for general liability insurance, while another has cheaper property coverage.

Fortunately, Hiscox lists prices for their most common policies right on their website. Here are the starting rates for some popular coverages:

  • General Liability Insurance: $29.17/month
  • Professional Liability Insurance: $22.50/month
  • Business Owner’s Policy (BOP): $41.67/month

While these rates will increase depending on the size and nature of your business, starting prices are very reasonable.

Are you really interested in trying out Hiscox, Click HERE to get a quote.

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Gavin Mungai 😎
Gavin Mungai Is An Affiliate Marketing Publisher That Gives Honest Reviews On Products & Services.
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